Dog Heat Care Advice
* HEAT WARNING AND ADVICE * PLEASE SHARE - Don't walk your Spoilt Rotten Dog in this heat, wait until later in the evening or early morning before it heats up - Ensure fresh water always topped up (don't put ice cubes in bowl) - DO NOT LEAVE DOGS IN CARS, WINDOW OPEN OR NOT, this is unacceptable in any warm temperatures or sunny days - Ensure shaded area ALWAYS available, if they insist on sitting outside but there's no shade or they want to sit right next to you... put them indoors with a treat or with a stimulating toy (stuffed with food etc) we have a whole range at both stores - Give them a cool treat or even better a FROZZY DOG YOGURT which provides 25% of their daily vitamins, tastes yummy and is refreshing for them 😀 our freezer is FULL TO THE BRIM! - Avoid walking on pavements as this can burn their paws very quickly! - Let them lay on a cool tiled floor if possible, or pick up a new COOL MAT from one of our stores next week, these are VERY GOOD Short nosed breeds and doggies who are overweight will struggle even more to cool themselves down so they need EXTRA CAUTION... If in doubt of over heating... call your local VetÂ