Do you have a Cockerpoo...
#cockerpoo #poodlemix We do LOVE Cockerpoos (and all Poodle mixes and all doggies) at Spoilt Rotten Dog Grooming they are loving, affectionate, forever happy doggies and here is Truffle another very gorgeous Spoilt Rotten Cockerpoo! He was a real 🌟 for his Full Groom and his parents visit every 4 weeks to keep his coat in tip top condition 😀


We understand the needs of their sensitive but loving characters and their very special coats and the many varieties there are. We use our knowledge, skills & experience to advise how best to maintain their coat ensuring they look, feel and smell great at all times 😀❤🐶 We take great care in gentle handling, taking our time and building a trusting relationships with the doggies which is why they relax and enjoy their visit always wanting more 😍 If you would like your doggy, no matter what breed, to be Spoilt Rotten call or send us a message, there is currently a waiting list but once you are on the system we will pre book future appointments ensuring your doggy always has a space at Spoilt Rotten 😀 we also have a cancellation list for sooner appointments 😀

In addition we specialise in caring for the needs (and understanding) of very nervous or nervous aggressive doggies just let us know at time of booking and we will ensure the appointment time given is the best for your doggy. 📞 01753424260 Chalfont 📞 02084298651 Pinner 'because they mean the world to us and deserve to be Spoilt Rotten!' #doggroomer #doggrooming #passionfordogs #hereforthem #multiawardwinning #finalist #recommended #naturalproducts #onetoone #spoiltrottendog Wishing all of our wonderful Spoilt Rotten doggies and their parents, and all doggies and families out there a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 🎉🎄🎁 Keep those doggies safe, and make sure any Chocolate/ Biscuits with chocolate or raisins and Raisins are kept out of reach... if you think your doggy might have had some call your Vet immediately. Anxious dogs with Fireworks or lots of visitors over the festive period or travel sickness? Call 📞 and ask about the anxiety diffusers and sprays we stock to help keep them calm and settled so they too can enjoy the festivities 🎉🎄😀