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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... 🎄🎁🎀

One month today... it'll be Xmas day 😀🎉🎄 Been a busy bee making a start on the Xmas gifts for all the doggies being Spoilt Rotten during December 🎄🎋🎁🎀🎊❄🐾

Every dog being Spoilt Rotten in our salon during the month of December will get: - 🐾 Xmas gift bag ❄ 🐾 A very cute extra special Xmas bow (some even have little snowmen and Santas on them!) ❄ 🐾 A choice of 4 Xmas scented long lasting cologne sprays including my personal favourite Xmas Cookies! 🎄🎉🎄🎉🎄🎉

#christmas #spoiltrottenstyle #lovefordogs #dontleaveoutthedogs #dontforgettheirpresent #spoiltrottendog 'Because they mean the world to us and deserve to be Spoilt Rotten!' Let the festivities begin... Natasha x Ps. Limited space left for bookings in December... don't leave it to the last minute to book your doggy in to be Spoilt Rotten, we want to have space for all of your doggies to treat them but advance booking is recommended as we are almost full... we are also pre booking for Jan/ Feb (and March) 2018... 

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