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Introducing local rescue DikkieDoolittles, Amersham

We are seeing more and more very gorgeous and loving newly rescued doggies from abroad, and want to do all that we can to support the amazing work of such charities supporting these dogs.

I'd like to introduce Dickie Doolittles Animal Rescue, they are based locally in Amersham and welcome any support.

We will be running a 'feed a stray for Christmas' campaign and Dickie Doolittles are one of 2 charities we are going to donate to.

Please *share* with your friends, or anyone you may know that is looking for a new living companion to welcome into their family.

WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR YOUR SUGGESTIONS FOR WHO THE 2ND CHARITY TO RECEIVE 50% OF THE DONATIONS SHOULD BE, please comment on this thread why you are putting them forward and all will be considered no matter how big or small the charity may be.

What We Do

We are a non profit organisation and rely on donations, fund raisers and gifts that are donated for our auction.

Any money we have goes to rescuing dogs from the UK, Bulgaria and Turkey, here is a bit about why we have concentrated our efforts here:

UK Kennels

We are often contacted by the dog warden (on behalf of the council), or the holding kennels that house dogs before they go to the larger rescue centres (RSPCA/Battersea etc). All centres only have enough space to take a certain amount of dogs, so there are always some that are not chosen, these are sadly put to sleep if the holding kennel can’t find a home for them (this is never a decision taken lightly by everyone involved yet still happens). We get no funding for these dogs and they are usually not castrated or spayed so the money that is donated and raised goes towards this.


Bulgaria have many street dogs who are often subjected to the most horrendous cruelty. They are kicked, beaten and shot on a regular basis for no other reason than that it provides certain individuals with amusement. Many of these dogs are injured, in pain, or starving and in the winter there is a high chance that they will freeze to death.

The state kennels in Bulgaria are often worse than the dogs being on the street and the wardens are paid well to collect the dogs and take them there. They are left in dirty and squalid conditions where they pick up infections. There are also people employed by the Bulgarian Government to shoot and kill dogs to ‘help’ with the situation.

Puppies in particular are just abandoned by the side of the road to fend for themselves.

We work with Desislava who helps us rescue and transport the dogs from Bulgaria to the UK


The Turkish Government’s approach to dog rescue is to round up the dogs, castrate or spay and put them back on the streets, in the hope that this will solve the problem, it doesn’t seem to be. Dogs are subjected to violence, cruelty and danger.

We work with Mark and Clare to bring the dogs from Turkey safely to the UK.

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